October 30th Vegan Dinner - at the Rosendale Cafe - Just for us! Thanks for coming out for this evening of delicious vegan food! Third Annual Progressive Dinner: Rhinebeck NY (anyone have photos?) Our third annual PROGRESSIVE VEGAN DINNER: Three venues, three delicious courses in Rhinebeck, NY. When: September 19th Where: Rhinebeck, NY. This is always a very special annual event that really supports venues in our community that are willing to provide interesting vegan dishes. The greater the demand for VEGAN dining, the greater the supply will be ! Our restaurant events are a great way to advocate for vegan food. VENUE 1: Appetizers at Momjijvegan sushi, spring rolls, and miso soup VENUE 2: Main Course at Liberty Public House Two dishes served family-style, A cauliflower-quinoa dish and lasagna with Puttanesca sauce VENUE 3: Dessert and coffee served at Betsy Jacaruso Studio & Gallery
September 2019: @ the Vegan Venue: An Evening with Dr. Milton Mills - Special for us, before he speaks at the Albany Vegan Festival - "Where DO you get your protein?"
Wed. June 12 @ 6:30 PM : We held Our first Documentary Movie Night @ The Vegan Venue "An Apology to Elephants" narrated by Lily Tomlin and "Vegan; A Life Connected" Showing, Discussion and a casual dinner (vegan hot dogs, with chile and sauerkruat, Israeli Salad and popcorn). Dinner and a show $10, GOOD NEWS!: We now have a 55-inch screen at the Venue - this will be an ongoing activity - you can say you were at the FIRST ONE! Saturday, May 26 - Cafe Drake - Japanese Tasting DInner Thursday May 23rd - Dinner at Aba's Falafel - Rhinebeck =
Just for Hudson Valley Vegans! Aba's Falafel is opening late..just for us! WOODSTOCK PIZZA THEATER -
Thursday, April 25th @ 6:30 pm: Family-Style Dinner with too many dishes to count - plus - wood-fired pizza with vegan mozzarella and vegan toppings ! FANTASTIC! Irish-Themed Vegan Pot Luck. Sat. March 16th @ 6:30 pm: We shared a lot of yummy vegan dishes, including appetizers, main courses, and desserts!
Goodbye 2018 - There were many SUPER events with Hudson Valley Vegans Past Events - 2018 Monday, December 31st New Year's Eve "Day" Vegan Pot Luck Extraordinaire at Members Home: Great turnout and fantastic food! A super buffet, plus Paul's famous Vegan Swedish Pancakes, Enjoyed by over 40 people! Saturday, December 22th @ 6 PM Winter Solstice Celebration @ Vegan Venue We welcomed the Winter Solstice with a some fantastic chili (there was a brief competition between two), side dishes, super deserts, and some lovely readings. (vegan please - no dairy, eggs, honey). If you are short on time, we can always use seltzer or juice or sparkling cider. Some folks brought readings about the Winter Solstice. Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22nd - We had a wonderful turnout! More than 65 people, both long time members and new folks - came to our Thanksgiving pot luck! So many delicious dishes! We'll post some pictures soon. If you took any you wish to share, please upload them on meetup, or email them to: [email protected]. Hudson Valley Vegans celebrated Octoberfest at the Mountain Brauhaus,Wednesday, October 24 at 6 pm. Menu featured: Bavarian Pretzels with 2 mustards seasonal soup vegetable strudel seitan sauerbraten red cabbage-greens-roasted potatoes Signature coconut cake Sunday, October 7, Woodstock Animal Sanctuary, Volunteer Group from Hudson Valley Vegans. Ten volunteers came out to the beautiful Woodstock Animal Sanctuary to help out. Roberta and Drake (of Chef Drake) prepared a Fab vegan brunch, also enjoyed by some of the Sanctuary's volunteer staff. CafeDrake "Night at Kuala Lumpur" Saturday, September 29th at 6:30. This time a Malaysian Theme! A feast for the senses, enjoy by 22 folks. At the Vegan Venue in Rhinebeck. What a sumptious dinner, topped off with a fabulous Roberta desert topped w vegan ice cream. September 2018 @ Vegan Venue, Rhinebeck: We sampled a variety of delicious vegan ice-cream flavors from different companies. Pat Valusek and Sondra Woodvine will talk about their work with The New York State Humane Association Second Annual Progressive Dinner in Red Hook! Thursday, September 13th - Our second annual progressive dinner was a big hit! It featured three amazing courses at three venues in Red Hook. We spent about an hour in each restaurant. Saturday, July 28rd: A MidSummer's Night Dinner by CafeDrakeat the Vegan Venue in Rhinebeck. A menu inspired by Shakespeare. Our vegan chef Drake Page catered a beautifully prepared and served sit-down meal, including a cocktail - and you may bring wine. Please click here for the full menu on EVENTS & Sunday, July 15th: Our Annual Picnic in Kingston. Photos on HUDSON VALLEY MEETUP Tuesday July 10 @ 6 PM: Dinner at the new Wildflower Cafe in Red Hook. Photos below and on Meetup. We enjoyed some wonderful vegan fast food, such as the IMPOSSIBLE BURGER, and heard a talk on the Cat Cafe. Cat Cafe is on the 3rd floor, and all are welcome to bring their food upstair to watch the adoptable kitties play. Saturday, June 23rd: We had a fantastic Summer Preview Picnic catered by Robbie Schiff and Kate Marin, with some old favorites and fresh ideas for summer picnic food- Marinated Tofu cutlet sanwiches, Pasta pesto salad, Tzadziki salad with cucumber, cherry tomatoes and onion. Carrot, tahini, orange raisin salad, Potato Salad, Cous Cous Veggie mix. Mango, Black Bean, Quinoa, lime-cilantro, with roasted veggies, and more. Many thanks to Nancy Gordon and Paul Swedenburg who hosted the event on their large screened-in porch, with spectacular views of the Hudson. We hope to upload the recipes here or on Meetup. Saturday, June 3rd: Hudson Valley Vegans at the Albany Vegan Fest: Roberta Schiff and Rosa Ortega staffed our information table at the Albany VegFest on June 3. They asked peopke if they were vegan or working on it - and were pleased to give out starter guides and info sheets to many attendees. Names and emails of those who said they would be interested in our events were gathered and they have received a special mailing. Your donations support these outreach efforts. And you receive Mother Earth and Sunflower discounts fire $ 20 donation. Saturday, May 5th Wonderful Vegan Pot Luck @ Vegan Venue (private home). A great variety of delicious, fresh vegan dishes enjoyed by members and non-members alike. Thursday, April 26th: Wasana's Thai, Catskill, NY:Vegan Dishes for Us Included: Spring Rolls, Wontons, Pad Cashew Tofu, Vam salad (yes it is good!) Pad Thai, Curry Noodles and Black Rice Pudding. You may bring beer or wine.$23 per person. Reservations are required. Limited to 25 attendees. It is always good to support restaurants who are willing and eager to prep are vegan dishes Saturday, April 7th: CafeDrake - Persian-Themed Vegan Dinner:A Celebratory Night in Old Tehran- Complimentary Cocktail Harira (Spicy Vegetable Soup with Chickpeas, Whole Wheat Vermicelli and Caraway Seeds) Sweet Potato and Quinoa Kibbeh (Savory Cake) + Parsley and Preserved Lemon Salad Baked Olives and Oranges with Garlic Flatbreads Levantine Green Bean Rice Pilaf with Smokey Tofu Steaks + House-Pickled Radishes + Carrots with Tahini and Dill Dressing Dessert + Mint Tea Wednesday, March 21st: Spring Equinox Gathering @ the vegan venue, Rhinebeck NY. Sunday, March 11th: Woodstock Pizza Trattoria. Special Vegan Brunch for Hudson Valley Vegans, created by owner/chef Chris Depew. Sun. Feb 18th:Cafe Drakeat the Vegan Venue. Photos below! Menu: Complimentary Cocktail Cream of Tomato Soup / Persian Sesame Biscuits (GF) Chicory Salad with Tempeh "Lardons" and Pears (GF) Broccoli and Green Onion Stratta Chickpea "Chicken Salad" Lettuce Cups (GF)Parker House Rolls Dessert , Coffee Service on request January 14th:Pot Luck at the Vegan Venue - A bounty of delicious vegan dishes enjoyed by all! Jan. 25th: Peace Nation Cafe Vegan Buffet - Terrific feast in Kingston, NY Venue. February 4th@ Vegan venue, Rhinebeck, NY. Annual Souper Bowl Sunday was great..... Vegan pizza recipe and photos soon
GOODBYE 2017. There were many wonderful events this year: December 31stAnnual Year-End Pot-luck at member's home in Germantown, NY. December 21st Winter Solstice Gathering/ feast and reading in Rhinebeck NY. November 23rd33rd annual Thanksgiving Pot luck: A wonderful array of vegan entrees, side dishes and desserts, plus the much-anticipated dessert competition. November 4th CafeDrake Autumnal Tasting: - Cream of sweet potato soup with candied nori - - Glass noodle salad with maple mustard tofu - kale with miso 'butter' - dessert/green tea October 19thPeace Nation Vegan Buffet - Guatemalan & American Fusion Dinner - Guacamole tostadas, Array of Tacos on handmade tortillas, Central American Veggie Enchiladas, Traditional Guatemalan Garnachas, Many Gluten Free dishes,. Chocolate dessert October 8th - Cafe Drake, Sumptuous Vegan Dinner in intimate home setting: Saugherties NY September 23 & 24th Table at the Hudson Valley VegFest , Poughkeepsie, NY September 14th Our first "Progressive Dinner" along Main Street in Tivoli was a success! Three different venues...three delicious courses. August 12thPeace National Cafe Dinner, Kingston NY August 5th CafeDrake, Saugherties, NY. Menu: Amuse Bouche ( a small bite), Spinach & Sweet Potato Mini-Croquettes, Vidalia Onion & Swiss Chard Pakoras w/ Mint Chutney and Tamarind-Cumin Chutney, Chickpeas with South Indian Gravy July 23rdTabling at Rhinebeck Farmer's Market. July 16th: Annual Picnic. June 10thCafeDrake, Saugherties, NY April 29thVolunteer at benefit lunch to support the Saugherties Animal Shelter.
Sunday, March 11th: Woodstock Pizza Trattoria (BELOW)
CafeDrake Persian Vegan Dinner - Photos:
Cafe Drake, Sun. Feb 18 at the Vegan Venue. Photos below!
January 14, 2018 Pot Luck at The Vegan Venue, Rhinebeck, NY. What a fabulous feast! Photos Below.
Peace Nation Vegan Buffet Guatemalen American Fusion - Thurs. October 19, 2017